Friday, January 3, 2020

Animation Grievance

Films get made by people who bring their values, histories, and points-of-view to the projects on which they work. So, this is hardly surprising:


It's not just near-absence of people of color in the Pixar film that’s bothersome, it’s the absence of anything approximating life in America as most know it. ...

[I]f you’re [a] five-year-old, African American girl... Toy Story 4 sends the worst sort of message for a child like her: you’re an outsider, kept at a distance from everything fuzzy and fun in American life.

Should have made the fork brown.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Steve. My name is Matt. i wanted to reach out to you because I have a podcast channel called PE Slick Podcast on YouTube and i wanted to possibly interview you about your work in animation over the years. You can email me at
