Thursday, December 13, 2018

Hand Drawn Techniques

Is this a wee bit confusing?

... The animators began with a CG rendering of each character and then started drawing on top of that. "We did this line work on the jawline and other anchor points by hand, and then we 'taught' the computer to anticipate where we would put that line in every frame — like an algorithm," Persichetti says. "Then each animator literally had 3D line work that they could draw with. We had a CG base performance, and then we would enhance it." The team also created the impression that the action is taking place at 12 drawings per second — typical of hand-drawn cartoons — rather than the smoother 24 frames per second that's associated with computer animation. ...

If the idea here is to make an animated feature that looks hand-drawn, why not ... I donno ... make a straight ahead hand-drawn cartoon? Wouldn't that be better than doing a weird-ass imitation?

Or is that too scary a proposition for executives these days? Since hand-drawn cartoons are considered poisonous in today's Hollywood?

1 comment:

  1. blog!
