Monday, December 16, 2019

Animation Biggies Talk

Directors and creative heads from Pixar, DWA, Disney and Netflix discuss lots of stuff, including their evolving workplaces:

Gotoh... We are pretty much close to 50-50 gender parity on Klaus, and it happened by accident. I am very proud about it. We didn't force it. It became that way. And we are about 260 people on the crew. We represent 22 countries and 15 languages. ...

Jennifer Lee: What we found [at Disney] is, particularly when I came in, the rooms were becoming more and more diverse. But creative leadership wasn't yet. Things take years. But we all started really talking about the effect it has to have a creative leader. If you are a woman in the room or you are diverse in the room and you see someone represented who is like you, you speak more. You contribute more. ...

The big change in 21st century animation? It is less and less a boy's club. When 75% of Cal Arts classes are female (as an interviewee points out), the status quo melts away. It really can't do anything else.

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